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Invisible illness 2

Welcome back to Blog 2

This time I want to share how I manage (sometimes) to include hobbies and activities into my life whilst living with hidden illnesses.


This has been my main mindful healer, the connection with plants and the soil is such a beautiful productive activity and I have found over the years that as you nurture plants the healing process begins, it distracts the mind from pain and produces positivity from wonderful crops that provides you with many nutritional benefits, the flowers brighten your days and the gorgeous scents lift your mood.

I have to garden now with raised beds and containers as kneeling and bending is difficult and frustrating! no digging anymore I use the no dig method and let nature do the work and why not?

I surround myself at home with houseplants. I have about 40 last count (yes mad plant lady)

again tending plants is a super distraction from pain and works two ways, I support the plants and they bring me calmness and a relaxing atmosphere.

When watering or pruning them my mood lifts and lightens and the different colours, shapes and flowers give you a natural boost, seeing new growth on plants gives me positive energy and we all need that.

I don't rush when gardening pacing is key, I know we all hate that word but actually it works because if you are like me my brain says I can do something but my body definitely screams 'No', by pacing this has eased a bit.

Plan activities and do set time aside to rest if possible, it's not giving in and don't feel guilty, it's about recharging your batteries otherwise how else can your body continue?

Dance class

I know I'm sure some of you are saying how are you managing dance classes?

I love dance and music, my body doesn't some days!

I find it's a distraction from my pain and for that short time I can escape it.

I have to do this to my own ability and pace myself.

Over the years it has enabled me to keep mobile and flexible, it's recommended by my GP and as they say 'if you don't use it you lose it', it can be painful at times so I slow down.

I know not everyone with chronic pain can do dance or exercise classes but just a little movement if possible does help, that's how I started, taking small steps like seated exercise or small walks, maybe just outside and back again to start with.

Socially dance and exercise are great, you are not talking all the time as that's exhausting fir some of us, dance and exercise produce endorphins that improve your mood and wellbeing, it's natural chemicals and free so why wouldn't we want that boost as it makes you feel much better.

Don't put pressure on yourself it's about baby steps maybe a relative or friend would go with you or would come round to your home to exercise.


I love going out but at times my body and mind are not in the right place.

I have strategies, ideally I like warning or I can feel anxious or overthink, I'm sure you do too.

'How will I get there'

'Where will I park'

'What if it's too much for me'

'Will there be to many people'

Personally I find small groups easier, they know about my conditions and understand my struggles.

Although it feels safe at home, its important to socialise even if you just have a friend round at home maybe for a take away or a sit in the garden. It can give you time where you forget about your pain.

A good breathing method is the 5-5-5 method

Breathe in for 5 seconds

Hold breath for 5 seconds

Breathe out for 5 seconds

Repeat until you feel calmer

People watch -distracting your mind if you feel anxious watch other people around you, focus on what they are saying.

Take a break, pop to the toilet just a few minutes away may help calm you.

Pain changes daily, I completely understand that our pain is unique to us, I find small goals to aim for help me, yours will be personal to you, share your goals it makes them easier to achieve and make them achievable.

Remember you are not alone 'The invisible illness club' is huge and with positive mindsets we can help each other.

My next Blog I want to look deeper into

Please do share with me your goals your hobbies and activities that you achieve to do.

Do join me again soon.


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